Have you ever considered protecting your trademark overseas? If your answer is YES, then the Madrid Protocol could be an excellent choice for you. The Madrid Protocol is an international treaty that provides a simple and affordable way for trademark owners to protect their trademarks in multiple countries. Using this system, Trademark owners can submit a single international application through their home country’s intellectual property office, which can then extend protection to other member countries. However, in some cases, trademark applications filed under the Madrid Protocol may face rejection in some of the target countries. This article focuses on trademark refusal via the Madrid Protocol in Thailand, shedding light on the reasons for refusal and the steps to address them.
First of all, the Madrid Protocol, administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), simplifies the procedure of trademark registration across various countries. Trademark owners can freely select from one to more member countries where they are needed for their marks’ protection via the Madrid system. Furthermore, Thailand is one of the members of the Madrid Protocol, making it an interesting option for businesses looking to expand their trademark protection globally.
However, not every trademark application would be smoothly registered. Some applications might be rejected for the following reasons.
Reasons for Trademark Refusal in Thailand.
Trademark refusal in Thailand via the Madrid Protocol can occur for different reasons, including:
– Absolute Grounds for Refusal: Thai authorities may reject an international trademark application if the trademark does not meet certain appointed criteria. Descriptive, deceptive, or non-distinctive marks are included in this case.
– Conflicting Trademarks: If there is a pre-existing trademark in Thailand that is similar or identical to the international application, this can lead to refusal. The Thai Trademark Office may consider the mark to be in conflict with a registered or applied mark.
– Non-Compliance: Failure to meet local filing requirements or provide necessary documents can lead to refusal.
– Incomplete Documentation: Incomplete or inaccurately filed documentation, including inadequate or vague translations, can lead to refusal.
– Opposition: If third parties in Thailand believe that your mark infringes on their rights, they may oppose the registration of the trademark in this case.
Solutions for Trademark Refusal
If an international trademark application made through the Madrid Protocol is refused in Thailand, there are steps that trademark owners can take to solve the refusal:
– Consult with Thai Trademark Specialists: Seek advice from local trademark specialists or attorneys who are expert about Thai trademark laws and regulations. They can assist on the refusal grounds assess and come up with a strategy to overcome the refusal.
– Amend the Application: Depending on the reasons for refusal and registrars’ orders, it may be possible to amend the application to meet the local requirements. This could include modifying the trademark, providing additional documentation, or addressing any conflicting marks.
ASEAN TMview welcome – Respond to Office Actions: If the refusal is based on documentation or procedural issues, respond promptly according to the ground of refusal before the deadline to any office actions preventing the application from being dismissed.
– Negotiate with Opponents: If the refusal is due to opposition from third parties, negotiation and settlement with the opposing party may be an option to resolve the issue.
– Appeal a registrar’s order: Appeal is another option for resolving the refusal of trademark registration in cases where the applicant disagrees with the Registrar’s decision. However, the applicant must present clear and substantial evidence for the appeal to allow the Department of Intellectual Property Trademark Board to proceed with the registration.
Trademark refusal via the Madrid Protocol in Thailand is possible to be happened, but with the right guidance and strategies, trademark owners can potentially overcome refusal. Seeking the assistance of local trademark professionals and understanding the specific grounds for refusal is necessary for a higher rate of success. Finally, the Madrid Protocol remains a valuable option for international trademark protection and understanding the difference of each member country’s trademark registration will be useful to seek a successful resolution.